Number Sixteen.


I’m getting married in two weeks from today? WHAT??!?!? This day was hundreds of days away yesterday! Sorry that I’m mushy but I’m marrying my middle school crush in 14 short days! Plus, finals are over, Christmas is almost here, my wedding is four days later, honeymoon, AND New Year’s! Hello being busy right?

Our little apartment is coming together quite nicely and I’m just skipping and ignoring the fact that I’ll have to actually cook meals every night soon. I don’t know how to cook at all. Hopefully Garret will just eat the things I burn and mess up for the first few couple of weeks. Knowing him, he won’t even tell me how awful it tastes.

Now to what is REALLY on my mind…

Lately, I’ve put a lot of thought into marriage, relationships, friendships, etc. I think about the successful ones and the not-so-successful ones. Not only do I want my marriage to be happy and successful, but I want all my relationships to be.

This isn’t all new news to me. Divorce rates are soaring and people seem to leave and enter friendships every day like it’s “no big deal”. I don’t want that for my family or the friendships that I have. I keep thinking to myself, what are the things that keep it alive? My head started racing with ideas. A long mental list started to form. But then I stopped and realized it’s just a few simple things. The Lord, love, forgiveness, and patience. If we all strived to keep The Lord the center of it all NO MATTER RELIGION, love those people (every single thing about them), forgive those that wrong us, and be patient with it all… we wouldn’t have a divorce rate, we wouldn’t have single mothers, we wouldn’t have war, we wouldn’t have hunger, we wouldn’t have ex-best friends, we wouldn’t have anything but our successful relationships.

My heart hurts when I begin to think of the friends that I have lost or the ones that I simply drifted apart from.

There is no better time like the present to start nurturing my relationships better. It’s a perfect time to forgive and love endlessly. It’s a good time to get closer to my Savior. It’s a perfect time to be better.

I will strive to have better relationships and be one dang good wife and someday mother. I love my family and I love the new family that I will have in two weeks. I love the boy that will soon be my husband and his willingness to put up with me and work long days to provide and take care of me.


God bless those families in CT. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity that those people, and all of us will have, to see our loved ones again someday.


Always smile,

A. almost Brent.

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