Number Twenty Four.

I’ll keep the mush to a minimum, I promise.

I’m sure many of you know, my husband joined the Air Force Reserve and is currently in BMT. Why am I going to write a post about how I feel right now is for one reason and one reason only… I miss him. Okay maybe that’s not the reason. The real reason is Garret knows how much I love to blog and write. Before he left he said, “Babe are you gonna write a blog post about me?” with one of those heart melting smiles that we alllllllll know I can’t say no to. It was pretty dang cute and I smiled and said, “You know it.” Originally, I wasn’t going to write about it but because he said that, I’m going to. He’s been gone two days and I’ve already written two letters. PUH. THET. IC. 


The direction I’m going with this is not how much I miss him, it’s about marriage in general. Growing up I was a total feminist without even trying to be. I didn’t need no dang man to take care of me! Watching my parents divorce twice was probably the cause of all these harsh feelings inside me. I didn’t think marriage was a wonderful thing and I thought that when husbands left town, it was a party. Well, I’m not partying. I see divorce everywhere and I hear people complain about how awful marriage is. It makes me sad because little ears are listening to those words and are subconsciously taking notes. I haven’t been married long but I’m counting my blessings. I’m happy I have someone to miss this much and when I hear people tell me marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and I’m still in the honeymoon stage, I feel like telling them that their feelings were and STILL are a choice. They are choosing to feel that way about it. Please don’t mess it up for those that are working on creating their world and future with someone because it didn’t work out for you personally. Marriage can be everything it’s cracked up to be… or even better. 


And the next section is for you Garret, when you can read it in a few months… I promised a blog post about you.


I love you and am one lucky princess. My family never knew I could be more of a princess than I was growing up. Boy were they wrong. You created a monster. I hope you always know how much I appreciate all you do for me. ESPECIALLY the late night runs to get me treats for no special occasion at all. I’m going to keep this short because I’m going to write you a letter right now 🙂 I’m missing you and it hurts but I know I’ll see you again. My goodness the hug I’ll be giving you when I see you, I can’t wait. You’re the best airman and definitely the most handsome.



-A. Brent


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