Number Fifteen.

I won’t be Alexa Ford much longer.

Sorry the statement is so obvious but the big wedding day is approaching quickly. If I really think about all the to-do lists I have left for the wedding, I may have an anxiety attack… but I’ll just think about that long ugly list later šŸ™‚

I don’t know how many people read my blog, I don’t know how many of those readers are married but guess what? There have been so many things married people didn’t tell me. These past few months of being engaged I think to myself all too often, WHAT? NO ONE EVER TOLD ME THIS! But, I’m slowly learning it’s all a part of the journey to becoming Mrs. Brent. Who knew it wasn’t all roses and butterflies? Maybe I wasn’t in touch with reality but I’m here to say, it’s not all roses and butterflies! Imagine that Alexa! But I’ll admit, it makes the times that it is… 10 million times better.

Somehow the two of us found everything and anything to argue about (so unlike us). All of a sudden, real life hits and you have to make big grown up decisions. Best part about it is that… you get to make them together though. I’m grateful to have Garret to make them with. Especially with this life-changing choice…

Garret swore into the United States Air Force. He was awaiting the call from his recruiter to let him know his job that he was to be assigned to. We both were nervous yet excited about all the changes that would take place in our life as a married couple.

Weeks went by and one weekend, my family came to town. I started feeling anxious about it all knowing that we could be stationed millions of miles away from them for a number of years. Sunday arrived and they left leaving me with a horrible gut feeling inside. I decided to pray. I thought my feelings were just sad ones. I didn’t want to leave my family. I kept my mouth shut and kept cheering my sweetheart on. A few days later, doubts filled his heart and we both prayed hard. Through a big string of answered prayers and events, he’s decided not to join. This means that he cannot join the Air Force ever. Another branch? Maybe. But not the Air Force. It seems all so simple when it’s written out like this but it’s just…not. I love my Garret and it’s been a hard pill to swallow. I guess the Lord came in and picked us up and carried us for a while. His timing seemed ridiculous, but then I realized…the contract hasn’t been signed. The Lord was testing us. I’m not sure I understand why, but I know Heavenly Father will take care of us. A military lifestyle can be hard but they take care of your finances, health, etc. But I have learned something… I’d rather spend every single day with my eternal companion and family knowing that we did what was right. We may be struggle forever financially, but what does it matter? It doesn’t.

I love the man I’m marrying. He’s my best friend and I’m so proud of him and all he has accomplished. He may be rough around the edges, but he’s all mine and I can’t wait to marry him in the temple. It’s my dream and these next few weeks can’t come soon enough.

I love you Garret Brent.
For eternity and beyond ā¤

Always smile,
–Soon to be A.Brent

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