Number Fourteen.


Number fourteen.

I can sum up my 2012 year in one phrase: the hardest and craziest year yet. Yeah, what could my little 19-year old life possibly hold that is so hard? Well, I’ve lost a lot and learned a lot. I’m not saying it was my worst year, definitely NOT. Just the hardest by far. I lost someone really close to me and I’m still trying to recover. I come from a broken home that doesn’t have a handbook telling a girl how to deal with those changes either. I’m also blessed with an academic scholarship that pays for one hundred percent of my college tution but with that, I have to take a minimum of 15 credits. Sorry, but 15 credits of hard classes can make a girl go NUTS! The semesters seemed to be endless and unfair. Oh and I’m getting married and it’s the happiest and best choice I’ll ever make but it adds some stress because let’s face it, planning a wedding isn’t easy! And no, I didn’t have a Pinterest board of all my ideas already. I didn’t even know what colors I wanted or anything for that matter.
I’m going to throw this out there though: this has been the best year of my life.
With all my busy schedules and never ending to-do list, I’ve found something to bring balance to it all. It’s something that doesn’t allow me to sit and watch gossip girl or lay in bed when I’m tired. Some may see it as a chore, an added stress, or just completely unnecessary, but it’s made my year worth living for.
KALAMITY. What else right?
But no, it’s not just because I get to put my worries away and just dance. It’s because I get to think about my worries, and realize how small they truly are. This year, our cause is Mighty Meg. She brings a whole new meaning to the word mighty. 4am practices aren’t so hard anymore. Not when I know there are people like Meg out there trying to fight cancer with a husband and two beautiful daughters at home. Practicing until midnight doesn’t seem mighty when I have the knowledge that someone’s cancer is beyond treatment. Mighty seems to be the courage and smile on her face when she came to a dinner with our team despite that pain she felt. Mighty Meg and Kalamity has brought a whole new meaning to my life. I said this last year as well, but this year doesn’t even compare. I love to dance, I do. But I can promise that dancing for someone else and using talents to serve others is the best in the whole world. It has changed my life and brought focus my hardest year to the best and hardest year.
Forgetting about yourself and serving others takes care of the bills, takes care of grades, takes care of to-do lists, and takes care of any worry.
I couldn’t be more grateful for my healthy body and my ability to dance. I’ll be a lifetime Kalamity member.

Always smile,


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