Number Twenty Two.

Inhale, exhale, repeat. That’s how I feel about the upcoming week. I’ve never moved before. Well by that I mean as a wife. My family always moved but I hardly remember even packing or moving anything… I know, my parents call me “princess” for a reason. I probably watched my family pack and move. Don’t worry, I’m not their princess anymore… I’m Garret’s and he has to deal with me. I have princess moments that often require Garret going out to get me some sort of chocolate treat at unreasonable hours of the night. Why am I talking about princesses again? Oh yeah, moving! Well we are moving in a week to a- get ready for this — two bedroom, two bathroom, washer, dryer, garage, AND dishwasher town home. I might cry with joy. I hate doing the dishes by hand. BUT I’m overwhelmed about actually packing up our entire apartment. The only moving I’ve really done is moving my room during my first two years of college from an apartment back to my parents’ house. And moving into this place was easy peezy. Garret moved in a while before we got married and we did it slowly and didn’t really have much… well a few wedding gifts later and this place is full! It’ll all be SO worth it though because we can’t wait to have more room to expand. And by expand I mean… have a room for stuff that can’t go anywhere else… I didn’t mean babies by expand 🙂

Also, I have to share pictures from yesterday. This is what our day looked like–


Garret and some of his friends rode a bike up this ramp and into the pond behind. I just watched and admired their macho-ness. The ramp was a little too tall for me to try. Normally I like to try and out-do the boys but I didn’t want to embarrass them this time 😉 Plus, I was just wandering around taking pictures of everything. Isn’t this place just dreamy?


^^He was in heaven yesterday and thought it was so cool to do these boy-ish things while impressing me. I was definitely impressed.

—>To finish up this post, I just feel like sharing our little date night the other night.


When we were 16-ish, Garret would pick me up and take me to get snow cones. It didn’t happen all that often but when it did, we’d take them to the park and eat them. We were only friends back then but I knew he loved me already. He never took any other girls to get snow cones so it’s obvious that I was his love. Anyways… we went and did the same routine snow cone/park date about a year ago and again last night. It’s just so romantic these days to do it and I can’t wait for more romantic dates at the park like this one. It’s real love when you both order flavors knowing that it’ll turn your mouth and teeth some disgusting color but do it anyways 🙂 We are hopeless romantics.




Being married is the best thing to ever happen to me. We are soaking up every minute together until he goes to basic training for the Air Force. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy, ever.


—A. Brent




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